Highlight from a Bookish Week

Not all librarians are Book People. But a lot of us are. A lot of us are A LOT. Myself included.

My favorite part of my job is sharing books with people. Especially with kids. I love the individual reader’s advisory I get to do on the regular at the library, but there is something special about getting to visit a school to booktalk. This week I was invited to do just that at an elementary school in my library community, and it was magical. No exaggeration.

I admit, I probably overthought my selection of titles. I wanted to include something for everyone. Realistically I know that isn’t really possible, but I gave it my best effort by hitting on as many genres as I could in the time I had. Highlights included Ghost Book by Remy Lai, which I read because one of my regular library kids recommended to me so enthusiastically that I had to read it even though I don’t usually read scary books (not even scary children’s books. Because wimp.), The Many Mysteries of the Finkel Family by Sarah Kapit, which was a last minute inclusion because I loved it that much, and not one but TWO books where kids go to magic school (Rise of the Green Flame and The Marvellers) because everyone loves magic school.

As much fun as it was to share those books (and it was really fun in and of itself), the real reward was that today, a kid came to my library, greeted me by name, and asked for one of the books I had talked about yesterday. I excitedly handed it to him with the advice, “It ends on a bit of a cliffhanger, you might want to place a hold on book two now.”

What I’m really saying is… it’s been a great week.

Author: Mindy R

I'm a librarian, mom to a nonbinary teen, and a congenital amputee. I blog about books, music, and life in Minneapolis.

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